There are several reasons why a laptop may have problems when charging. The first thing you should do is examine the outlet, as well as the cable and connection, as these are easy problems to identify and can usually be repaired. 1. Unplug it for a few minutes, then try another outlet: Many users have reported that the power adapter may temporarily stop working to protect against a detected problem with the power supply. 2. Examine the cable: Check the entire length of the power cord for dents, tears, or frayed insulation. If you notice any of them, or if the transformer looks warped or smells like burning plastic, it's probably a cable problem.. 3. Check the connection: There could be a connection problem if you notice that the connection of the cable to the laptop feels loose or wobbly; if so, unplug the cord and remove any debris with a wooden toothpick, as well as using compressed air to get rid of heavy dust b...